Articles — islamic cupping

Hijamah Herbal Tonic - An essential aid to the Hijama Procedure

Posted by Feroz Osman-Latib on

Hijamah is the procedure of removing blood through the process of "wet" cupping on specific points on the body and at specified days of the lunar month. This has the effect of removing toxins, impurities and waste products of red blood cell breakdown from the blood circulation. Numerous benefits of the procedure have been identified through traditional experience as well as modern scientific research. These include a reduction in cholesterol, regulation of blood glucose and insulin levels, increase in circulating immune cells and enhancement of immune function.  Traditionally patients are advised to maintain a healthy diet pre and post the...

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What is Hijama?

Posted by Feroz Osman-Latib on

Hijama, Islamic cupping or "wet" cupping is the practice of removing blood from the surface of the body via the use of a suction device (normally a glass or disposable plastic cup) in order to effect healing. It is believed that in this manner toxins, impurities, damaged and old red blood cells as well as other byproducts of the body's normal physiological processes are removed from the body. Hijama specifically refers to the Islamic practice of wet cupping with its rules and regulations including the days of the month etc on which it should be performed. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW)...

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